My Personal Online Recycle Bin
You may find something useful here...........

Friday, April 28, 2006

Using Mod_jk with Jboss...

Previously i have a post regarding using Mod_jk(tomcat connector) with Tomcat. Now, I would like to put mod_jk to work with JBoss.

The following url show u the detail of setting up Jboss load balancing with mod_jk.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Pulau Perhentian Diving Trip + Another Certification...Yahooo.......

Last thursday(13/4/2006), I went to pulau perhentian for a very relaxing and joyful diving trip with my ex-colleague. I took a PADI Open Water Diver Certification during the 5 days 4 nights trip. Below is some of my photo took during the trip.

On the way to jetty........

Pulau Perhentian Beach View

Another Fantastic View

Scuba Holic.........The place i learn diving....

Ready For Diving........

Me and my diving instructor - Sebastian

Shopping time.........though I dun like shopping...

Kota Bharu Airport........ready to go home...

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Today , I have just read a book titled "孙悟空是个好员工". And I felt one of the story is quite meaningful and interesting. So I make a search in google and copy and paste the short story here to share with you.


There is a big different from "intentionally"(有) and "unintentionally" (无). Hope you can learn something from this story.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Debug with JSF Phase Listener

It have been a lot lot lot time since my last update on this blog.

Hehehe.....Please forgive my laziness...

After working with jsf for some day, I have found using JSF Phase Listener is a good way to trace or debug a program error....

When using jsf, you might found that some of the component or page behaviour doesn't behave as expected. This is especially when you are using immediate attribute, calling render response, dynamic render attribute and etc. This is because jsf actually skip some phase. Using jsf phase listener, you are awake of which phase is call after which and when backing is updated and other goodies..

I am going to show you how to setup a JSF Phase Listener, cause there are plenty of resource already show this. Anyway, I can refer to following for setup phase listener.